Sunday, October 11, 2009

A great night out for a great cause!

Farmers Markets New Zealand Food Inc Movie

This Wednesday at 8:30pm NZ will see the premiere of the movie Food Inc.

It is probably the most important food movie of the last few years and is creating huge discussion overseas.

Food Inc is a movie about the food we eat. It challenges us to think about who grows it and what modern
developments in food production mean to our health and our environment.

You can see for yourself what all the talk is about by attending the open night screenings throughout
the country.

Farmers Market New Zealand is hosting this premiere in celebration of the new growing season and $5 from
every ticket sold will go directly to your local Farmers Market.

Greystone Wines from the Waipara Valley in North Canterbury will be providing a free glass of wine at
each of the Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch screenings.

For more information and to purchase your ticket for only $20 go to

Show support for your local food producers and have a great night out at the same time.

Proudly supported by:
Radio Live - Farmers Markets New Zealand Food Inc Movie Greystone Wines - Farmers Markets New Zealand Food Inc Movie

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Market. You can instantly unsubscribe from these emails
by clicking here.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Fwd: Farmers Markets World-wide pledge

Monday, 24 August 2009 11:43

Farmers' market leaders from Australia, New Zealand, the USA and Great Britain meeting at the 3rdNational Australian Farmers' Market Conference in Victoria this week, pledged today to establish and uphold standards for farmers' markets and to create a platform for the exchange of information and best practice that will support the global, sustainable development of the farmers' market movement.

From left: Rita Exner, Chris Fortune, Miranda Sharp, Gareth Jones, Darlene Wolnick, Sophie McNeill, Richard McCarthy

The group will initiate an open forum and invites local food producers, market organisers and supporters to participate in positive exchanges that will help to improve local economies and communities through farmers' markets, and provide greater access to locally produced food for all.


FARMA's Gareth Jones was among the speakers at the conference. Others included Richard McCarthy from Crescent City farmers' market in New Orleans, USA, whose experiences with Hurricane Katrina four years ago mirrored those of the population around Melbourne during 'Black Saturday's' forest fires last summer.

The organisers and speakers at the event took the opportunity to formalise future relations with a communique highlighting the urgent need for a rebalancing and relocalising of food around the globe in the interests of reducing carbon emissions and improving diet, livelihoods and the environment.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

FMNZ 2009 Market Managers Forum, Hamilton 22nd-24th June

2009 Market Managers Forum 

The Market Managers Forum is a chance for managers from around the country to get together and share ideas, tools, solutions to issues, and to network with others, so that managers can feel comfortable sharing ideas with each other in the future.  There will be guest speakers from America and Australia, information from FMNZ, and time to problem solve on any issues that are common to farmers' markets.    To be held June 22nd to 24th, 2009, the forum will be based at Pirongia Forest Park Lodge, in Pirongia near Hamilton.  Food will be provided, and alcohol will only be permitted on the final evening.  For more information email kerryn at or visit

Cost: $150 per person, plus the cost of travel, - this has been heavily subsidised by our buy local funding and in addition part of your travel costs will be reimbursed, so please bring your receipts.  

You will be required to do a short presentation about you & your market, so please come prepared  (see manager presentation below). 

Please fill out the following form and return by 12th June with payment to

Farmers' Markets New Zealand Inc,

C/- Kerryn Jensen

15 Fergusson St

Hamilton East, 3216



Market Managers Forum RSVP

Name: _________________________________________

Contact number: _________________________________

Name of FM: ____________________________________________________________________

Any dietary requirements?__________________________________________________________

Any special personal requirements we need to be aware of?


Any medical requirements? Understandings that you will bring with you any prescribed medication and inform the co-ordinator of how to use the medication, if required in emergency.




Do you require pick up from the airport? YES / NO

Which airport? ___________________________________________________________________

Please provide details of flight: _______________________________________________________ 

This Lodge is a DOC reserve and the following conduct must be adhered to:

Manager Presentation


Use the Pecha Kucha principle ( ) - 20 slides of 20 secs each. – this limits you to 6mins 40sec.

You may prepare the power point presentation yourself, or use a generic presentation we have prepared, but please use the sample power point presentation as a guide for what to include. 

You will also be required to fill out the Market Profile form which also includes this detail, but is for reference during the conference.  

Be prepared to answer any Questions from your fellow managers



Bring this page with you –and pin it up on our map of NZ 

(Market Photo)

(Market Manager Photo) 

  • Year market opened


  • Market Name:


  • Market Manager name:


  • Location/Venue:


  • Open Days & times:


  • Stallholder No on database:


Chris Fortune
(03) 579 3599 Home

021 935 995 Mobile (marlborough farmers market)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Managers Retreat 22, 23, 24 th June, Hamilton

Ensure that you mark the dates for the afternoon of the 22, 23 rd and morning of the 24 th for of June for the Inaugural FMNZ Managers Retreat in Hamilton in your Diary's

Kerryn Jenson (manager Hamilton and Cambridge Farmers' Market) and Tina Fortune (manager Marlborough Farmers' market) will be sending out the  details to all markets and managers.  It is a opportunity to network and share information with other like minded people who run successful Farmers' markets both in NZ and around the world. 

Cost will be kept to a minimal to ensure that it is achievable for all markets and the Forum will cover Authenticity, Regionality, Networking, Communication, Problem Solving, Growth and Development and the future of Farmers' Markets in NZ

This Managers retreat will run ever second year alternative the FMNZ Conference and will incorporate the FMNZ AGM

The FMNZ website is always being updated and a easy way  to search for what you are looking for is  to use the search box in the top left hand corner.  We are also developing another website as part of your buy local funding and a sample can be found here      The software allows committee/managers to admin there own site and stallholders and allows consumers and media to locate products and producers from Authentic Farmers markets around NZ.  This is a sample draft only and is part of Milestone 5, buy local contributions

Chris Fortune
(03) 579 3599 Home

021 935 995 Mobile (marlborough farmers market)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


David Wilson Key Messages

In times of change it is the learners who inherit the future. “


“Every single person has capacities, abilities and gifts”


“The Purpose of a business is to find and keep customers”


“Find out what your customers want and give it to them”



Success starts with healthy Communities….. places where the capacities of all residents are identified valued and harnessed and this was the key message from David Wilson for all Southland attendees.  A good representation from Invercargil, Dunedin, Gore, Cromwall proved that successful management is the key to running  Farmers’ Markets.




These questions were all raised and answered with enthusiasm  as the room worked together to strategise what needs to happen in the Southland  region.   We all discovered that   Great communities don’t just happen! – They are created, nurtured and sustained by caring, connected and involved residents

FMNZ Vision

Vision         Our vision is to… develop a national network of around 50 authentic Farmers Markets, drawn together by a shared passion for and commitment to fresh, locally produced, authentic food direct to consumers.                       

For FMNZ specifically, this means: 

·         Working towards certification - showing each market does indeed meet the definition and standards of a “Farmers Market”. 

·         Being a source for member Markets looking for quality help, information, resources, advice etc. 

·         FMNZ being established on a professional footing – with a paid coordinator (in time), and paid contractors delivering specific project outcomes. 

·         FMNZ taking on the overall role of PR and marketing the “Farmers Market movement” – but this does not in any way negate the local efforts to promote a specific market. 

·                                             FMNZ taking on national responsibilities around internal communication (across the network), liaising with Economic development Agencies, funding sources and national organisations with like interests.       

The Aims of FMNZ

The aims of the Farmers' Market New Zealand Association are

  • To facilitate the formation of a network of authentic Farmers’ Markets throughout New Zealand
  • To clearly define the concept of an authentic Farmers’ Market and facilitate the development of this model in the cities and provinces of New Zealand.
  • To support the viable and self-sufficient operation of existing and future Farmers’ Markets by sharing information and providing appropriate resources.
  • To protect the brand “Farmers’ Market”, clearly distinguishing the concept of a Farmers’ Market from other markets, both retail and wholesale
  • To advocate on behalf of members at a national level.

The Executive of FMNZ (comprises of seven farmers market representatives)  is interested in your comments, and ask those with feedback to have it with us no later than 15th June by e-mail to