Dear Farmers’ Markets of New Zealand

The FMNZ Conference in Hamilton was a great success and we are currently putting together all of the information so that we can share it with our members.  

An exciting announcement and one which has the potential to be a key benefit to all FMNZ members was made at the conference - that the Marketground website will now be available to all  FMNZ members not just to those who have opted into the programme of becoming authentic Farmers’ Markets. 

So what does this mean to me? 
It means that your market and your stallholders can now have access to a content management website that is interactive, easy to update, manipulate and navigate, and enables the content to be refreshed as required and kept right up to date.   Stallholders can manage their own pages if they wish – no web experience or skills are required.   

The result will  bring more customers to your market and allow you to manage your market more efficiently and effectively.   Additional features allow notices and newsletters to be sent to customers and to stallholders, photo and video galleries to be added, surveys to be undertaken and databases to be maintained, to name but a few.  Direct interaction with all social media streams such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and blogs is also made available via this website.

So how much does it cost? 
If you were to purchase this website off the shelf or had one specifically developed for your market, the cost would be in the $10,000 - $20,000 range.  FMNZ has been sponsored by Marketground  CLICK HERE  which means that we can offer the website to every FMNZ member for just $1 per stall (excl GST)  per market payable per month.  There are no hidden costs, no hosting costs and no associated ongoing costs.

Why is it so cheap?  
FMNZ has worked with Marketground to provide a tool that all of our members can use so that we can all grow together by promoting the words ‘Farmers’ Markets’.   FMNZ has a contract with Marketground to provide websites to all of our member markets and stallholders using the most up-to-date technology and tools but at a very affordable price.   

FMNZ recommends that you  pass this cost directly onto your producers as they will be the ones  benefiting directly from increased customers.

What is Marketground ?    
Marketground is a website provider which is the largest single provider of websites to sportsclubs and teams in NZ.  Sportsground, Schoolground  and Marketground are the easiest website in the world to own and edit.

Member markets already using Marketground:
Ashburton District Farmers' Market
Bay of Islands Farmers' Market 
Cambridge Farmers' Market
Central Otago Farmers' Market
Christchurch Farmers' Market
Farmers' Markets NZ Inc
Feilding Farmers' Market
Geraldine Farmers' Market
Gore Farmers' Market
Grey Lynn Farmers' Market
Hamilton Farmers' Market
Marlborough Farmers' Market
Methven Farmers' Market
Nelson Farmers' Market
Orewa Beach Farmers' Market
Oxford Farmers' Market
Parnell Farmers' Market
Purau Valley Farmers' Market
Riverton Farmers' Market
Southern Farmers' Market
Farmers’ Market Taranaki
The River Traders Farmers' Market
Waiheke Island Farmers' Market
Waipara Valley Farmers' Market 

What do we have to do to use Marketground? 
Please contact  and we can have your Marketground website up and running within 7 days.  Every assistance will be made available to you to optimise the site’s features and to get you up to speed.

What if our market already has its own website? 
Marketground has been designed to become a national database of food producers, ‘a one stop shop’ in internet terms, and in addition simplifies the process of interacting with both customers and producers.  If your market or stallholders already have their own websites, you can of course provide a link to the Marketground site so that you are maximising your web exposure.   

Can we trial the Marketground website? 
FMNZ is confident that once you have committed to the Marketground site, you will never look back.  FMNZ guarantees that if after three months you feel that this is not the easiest to update, easiest to use website in New Zealand and that your market is not benefiting from being part of it, your contributions will be refunded in full.